Offer Score
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The Collection Offer Score is introduced for LPs to better locate their lending offers compared to other LPs. LPs can now have a clear view of how their Lending Offers perform, and funds from Lending Offers with higher Scores will be lent out more efficiently.
The Offer Score of each collection is calculated by including the following ideas:
The higher the ratio, the higher the score is.
The larger the amount, the higher the score is.
The longer the tenor, the higher the score is.
The lower the interest rate, the higher the score is.
Discount on Interest Rate as the Collateral Factor Decreasing: The greater the discount, the higher the score.
Discount on Interest Rate as the Loan Tenor Shortening: The greater the discount, the higher the score.
On the "Create New Offer" page, you can see the following icon representing the Offer Score on the right side. Once you enter the max single loan amount, the Collection Offer Score will be calculated.
By switching the loan conditions with different values, your Collection Offer Score will change accordingly, indicating how many other LPs your Lending Offers surpasses in this collection.
If your Collection Offer Score is ranked in the first place, it will show that you have beaten 100% of users. If your Collection Offer Score ranks in the last place, it will show that you have beaten 0% of users.
Providing more competitive lending offers will help you earn more airdrop rewards according to Boxdrop campaign.